Thursday 15 April 2010

Palm Springs

The 150th blog post! I’m glad you're still here!!

We had heard that Palm Springs was meant to be a nice, so took our opportunity to visit as we are based less than an hour away. So far we have had mixed opinions on US towns and cities and were wondering whether a trip to “LA’s retirement village” would possibly change that. One interesting fact about Palm Springs is that it has over 100 golf courses to satisfy its 40,000 strong population. Crazy!

When we arrived we thought it would be a good idea to drive randomly around the town to get a feel for it and inevitably got lost. As we drove aimlessly around the town we both thought it looked pretty; palm tree lined boulevards and grass on some of the sidewalks (yes we know, some Americans do actually know what grass is!) We ended up stumbling upon, what we would consider, the most European style recreation area we have seen since coming to the US. It was really nice and on a gloriously hot day we had our lunch there and basked in the sunshine for a couple of hours. We then had a wander around downtown Palm Springs, stopping at a café, before heading back to Joshua Tree.

Tomorrow we are heading to Walnut California to watch the Mt Sac relays. I’m hoping that Andrea won’t get too depressed as she was hoping to do this event, but all it means is that she gets to race more over the summer in the UK! And after the success of this blog, I’m sure she’s going to have hundreds of adoring fans lining the sidelines for her, chanting her name, when she makes her return! ;)


  1. hey! just seen this from your facebook! sorry I didn't see you, but if you're there tomorrow hopefully we can have a catch up!

  2. Yes we will all be there cheering her on
    Love Rhona and Jack
