Thursday 22 October 2009

9 days to go!!

First of all I must say a big "welcome along" if you have made it this far.... taking that first click from the group emails is a bit of a step, I know that I myself am prone to just thinking that I'll do it later, which invariably never ends up happening.

So this is my first post and the first post of this new blog. You might imagine this entry as a bit of a prologue to what is about to happen. Which reminds me that I should really explain what is going on... In just over a weeks time (31st October) myself and Andrea are packing our bags and jumping on a plane to Sydney Australia and consequently commencing a six month break from the rat-race to take in the sights and sounds of New Zealand and the USA as well. We'll be doing a mix of backpacking and staying in some places for a bit longer and hopefully experiencing the cultures and meeting some like-minded people. As well as generally having a great time!!

We figured that this was as good a time as any to do it. As many of you will know, I have just finished my PhD studies (last Wednesday was my viva which I passed) and am currently in a state of limbo. That period between finishing university and entering the job market. I have a few ideas of what I would like to do, but I'm not going to talk about that as i don't want to lose any readers just yet ;). The long and short of it is that I will hopefully be starting a career soon, which will mean that this sort of trip probably won't be possible in the future. So for myself there is nothing to really hold me back, apart from the severe lack of funds haha. PS this isn't a call for money, although if you have a spare fiver, stick it in the post ;).

Andrea is also at a stage in her career where a break won't harm her job prospects. She has progressed really well and is now a senior healthcare manager within the NHS, which considering her age and the fact that she started off training as a physio as an undergraduate is rather impressive. The NHS have actually been really supportive and when she put in her application for time off and mentioned that there was possibility of her qualifying for the Commonwealth Games next year, albeit a very slim possibility, her managers were all over it. She even made the inhouse magazine lol.

Apart from that, anyone who knows us will know that we are both massively into athletics. Andrea is on a big upward curve with her running and some of the opportunities that are available to runners of her ability in the countries that we are visiting, in terms of training and racing, are totally unrivalled within the UK. We will potentially be doing some of the high quality meets in the US and maybe some in Oz, but we'll have to see. Obviously you guys will be the first to find out. Hopefully this break will allow us to experience some of these things. Running has a relatively short career span, so this sort of trip cannot really be put off. In terms of our situation it really is a case of now or never!!

I don't want to write too much now or else I'll soon have nothing left to say and you guys will soon get bored (I'm impressed if you have even made it this far). Andrea will be along soon and will probably explain a bit better what's going on.

So goodbye for now. I will post once more before we head off and then the next posts will be coming from Australia. Yeay.

Feel free to comment and send abuse etc. It'll be nice to know that some people are reading and interested in what we have to say.


  1. Have a wonderful time, keep us posted. xxx

  2. Good luck guys!!! You're going to have a fantastic time and meet loads of people. Looking forward to reading the blog xxx

  3. Your trip sounds great. If you're anywhere near Minneapolis when you're in the US, it would be fantastic to see you...we have a spare room!
    Happy travelling!

  4. Have a really wonderful time guys!... Really hope you have a fantastic, eye-opening and successful time! Let me know if you'd like any advice on races in the US - as I've previously mentioned to Andrea, my partner; Adam studied over there for quite a few years. Hope to see you soon!...x

  5. Hey Guys,

    Thanks to everyone for all your comments and support.

    Mary - We might not get as far as Minneapolis but we'll be sure to get in touch if we do as it would be great to catch up!

    Nic - any advice would be appreciated! We heard track shark is quite good for finding races but that's it so Adam's input would be great! We're interested in racing in a couple of the Stanford track meets in April - has Adam done any of these before?

    Marie-Louise and Elaine - thanks for reading our blog we will try and add photos and blogs as regularly as possible!

  6. Herrrou!!

    Good luck in your journey. enjoy and be aware of Koalas, the eat human flesh in industrial quantities.


  7. Cheers Pablo

    Funny you mention Koala's as Lui wants us to bring back one. Sounds like it could be a dangerous job ;)

  8. Hi just read about your first hours in Australia. Very pleased you got there ok and the flight didn't sound too bad (hope your ankles are ok Andrea). I will be following your travels daily so look forward to hearing about all your adventures. Love Susan (Ant)
