Saturday 31 October 2009


Good morning. This is just a quick post before we leave for the airport. We’ve had a few people asking what is the best way of contacting us, so I thought I would give you your options. Probably the best way is via email, facebook or through our blog. We have our netbook with us which has msn messenger and skype installed, so whenever internet is within range we’ll be online. You can find us on skype by searching for my name; “Christian Clement” and my msn may be found by using the email address below. It’ll be nice to speak to some of you when we’re miles from home. Our emails are in code below, because of malicious webtrawlers (replace “at” with @ and “dot” with . ):

christianclement at hotmail dot com
andwoodvine at yahoo dot co dot uk

Our mobiles are staying in the UK so don’t expect any replies to texts. You may receive a glut of replies in 6 months when we return though!!

So that is it. The next time we write will be from Australia. We have a 28hour journey with Air China from Heathrow to look forward to. I’ve heard to expect video games and films to keep us entertained so that will be interesting.

Will be much happier when the flight is over, I’m a bit nervous. Will speak to you from the other side!!


  1. hope the flight went well ! say hello to australia for me, mupps, go see the penguins in melbourne !!!! speak soon xxxx

  2. Gooday! Welcome to down under!!! Hope you got some good in-flight entertainment action in. Can't wait to see you guys - suddenly seems very close!! Hopefully catch you on skype soon. Happy travelling til then!!! Em xxx

  3. Cheers Girls! We finally made it! I will be on skype hopefully in the next couple of days when we find the free wi-fi!!! Speak soon xxx
