Friday 30 October 2009


One more sleep to go. Our bags are packed (finally), our tickets printed and an excessive amount of wine gums for the journey bought.

We haven’t had chance to completely unpack our Manchester stuff, but perhaps the Moor House fairy (mam) will hide things away for us until we return, bronzed (yeah right) and carefree, to sift through endless accumulated junk and papers.

I finished work on Wednesday afternoon and since then I feel as though we haven’t stopped. I feel like we have been organising this trip for ages, have spent so long on the internet and phone, reading, researching, preparing. Yet here we are, less than twelve hours until we leave the house and with only our first two nights of accommodation booked. Of course these things work themselves out. They always do. But yet it bemuses me how I don’t seem quite prepared.

I’m sure I won’t sleep so well tonight. Too excited. Even the conversation on Tuesday night with Ian and Laura about plane crashes and highly venomous Australian snakes hasn’t curbed my enthusiasm. Although I now know what to do if chased by a crocodile so if nothing else, I’m prepared for that.

I think one of the main things I’m looking forward to is running in all these amazing places. Some of the photos I’ve seen (and also on the google map orange man thing) are really incredible and I hope I will get chance to escape into some of those places on my runs, just me and the scenery, not a car, building or I-phone in sight (not too far away from civilisation though Mam!). I think Chorlton water park will be well and truly put in the shade!!

I’ve got a fairly early start to fit in a run tomorrow before we head to Heathrow but Chris may try and blog a little whilst I’m out training. Then our next entry will be from Australia! Now where are those wine gums, yum, yum……

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the trip guys. Looking forward to the updates. Aftera week running in the the dark and rain around York Andrea I'll say again I am immensely jealous!!
