Sunday 17 January 2010

Body Surfing Part 2

After we had recovered from the trauma of our accommodation hunt (can I add that Chris did embellish slightly on some aspects in yesterdays blog in case anyone was wondering), today would be our first full day of exploring Byron Bay which would also be combined with my weekly double reps session day.

Thankfully it was a little less hot today for my sessions and they both went well, however I won’t bore you all with the gory details. In between the two we obviously had some time to kill and it seemed silly to come to Byron Bay, and stay in a beach side hostel, without spending at least some of the time on the beach. However, neither of us are sun worshipers, and I am in a period of wearing more clothes since my lobster episode in Coffs Harbour, so if we were going to go to the beach it was almost inevitable that we would end up in the sea. Chris spent some time body surfing and I spent a lot of time either trying not to drown or trying to rescue either my bikini top or shorts. The waves were pretty big (or certainly compared to anything I’ve seen before) and Chris managed to catch a few good waves. Unfortunately I didn’t see many of these as I was usually underwater having been completely taken out by the wave. Having done only minimal swimming (more paddling or splashing really) over the last few years I seem to have completely lost my ability to close my mouth or hold my breath whilst under water and hence I think I got my salt intake for the day within about 40 minutes.

When we were cold and shrivelled, we called it a day and as the weather was still relatively cool, we took the opportunity to have a wander around the town centre and in some of the shops. It seems like a good town centre with plenty of shops, restaurants, bars and cafĂ©’s (if only we had a bigger budget eh!). Chris promised me an ice cream if he could barter down some of the prices but his technique still requires some fine-tuning so we went home empty handed.

We’ve another day in Byron Bay tomorrow - hopefully it will be another cool one as we plan to do a walk around the nearby national park…

Morning session stroll

The beach that we went to three times today!!

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