Wednesday 13 January 2010

Bulahdelah and Big Lizards

The small town of Bulahdelah sits on the edge of the Myall Lakes National Park. On the map there seemed to be a number of walking trails, campsites and picnic areas, and as there are fairly limited places to run around the town itself, we decided to drive out to the National Park this morning for our run.

Unlike the Royal National Park which we drove through before New Year, Myall Lakes is much quieter and it really does feel like the road-less-travelled. We passed a few cars on the journey there, but they were quite few and far between and we didn’t get very far before I decided to hop out and start my run.

Part way through the run we spotted a sign for Koughman’s Landing and so turned off the main (ish) road. This lead to a beautiful lakeside campsite and picnic area where I finished my run. It was then time to sit on the side of the lake and eat breakfast. Just as we were beginning to pack up the car to return to the town, we made perhaps our best wildlife discovery yet.

Appearing from underneath one of the other cars, was a lizard. However, this was not like any of the other lizards we have seen, in that it was about 1.5 metres long and as wide as my leg. (well almost). Upon taking a closer look, we saw two other lizards exactly the same (one in a tree), and spent the next half an hour chasing them round the car park trying to get the perfect photo.

Myall lakes

Big lizard

The rest of the day was fairly quiet as we hung around our cabin while the suns heat was at its harshest. In the evening we did a short run before heading up Alum Mountain. Unfortunately we didn’t give ourselves enough time before sunset and so we almost got caught up the mountain in the dark with all the scary snakes and spiders out to get us.

Tomorrow we are heading north to Coffs Harbour where we are staying for a couple of days. It apparently has some nice beaches so we may end up checking them out.

Vid of said lizard in action


  1. thats a beast of a lizard! We really liked Coffs Harbour - we were some of the first in the new built YHA (we had Christmas there in fact!). Enjoy ! xx

  2. I forgot you were there, we really liked it to, could have easily spent longer!!
