Monday 11 January 2010

The Final Supper

The last day of KiwiRun. It has come around far far too quickly. Time has gone whooshing past at a hundred miles an hour. Already today we have lost three of the group back to their respective homes and our own 3:30am wake up call tomorrow is rapidly approaching.

To celebrate our final day, or rather to help our battered legs, we did one of flatest runs of the trip so far with a lovely sunny run alongside one of the rivers in Wellington. Despite the brutal wind it was a nice way to finish our New Zealand running experience.

The afternoon saw our final supper together as a group. This took the form of a barbecue (indoors as by now it was teaming with rain) at a local farm owned by one of Steve's friends. We enjoyed delicious barbecued lamb sandwiches before the KiwiRun Awards were dished out. I won the award for lapping the most top NZ runners, whilst Chris won the 'Come on Andrea' award for the brilliant support he has given me on the tour (and in general).

Our plans for an early night failed to materialise due to having so many people to thank, swap email addresses with and say goodbye to. A sign of an absolutely fantastic two weeks...

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