Monday 1 March 2010

Beavers and Turtles

Andrea was pretty sore from training yesterday and today was just doing an easy 90 minutes. It probably helped getting out as Andrea would have US rising athletic star Jordan Hasay for company. Meanwhile I would go for an easy bike ride along some of the extensive bike routes across Eugene.

In the afternoon we went for a walk around Elijah Bristow State Park. The park is part hiking routes, part nature reserve. We went for an hours walk and then ended up spending quite a bit of time around a wildlife lookout point. Amazingly the lake was home to river turtles as well as beavers and ducks. We managed to spot several turtles sunbathing on logs which were part submerged in the lake. However, whenever I tried to get close to take a photo, the turtles jumped into the water! They weren’t stupid. I did manage a few photos, but all were from a distance.

Sunbathing river turtle


In the evening we watched Twilight and Twister on tv whilst making plans for the rest of the week. Baseball season starts on Tuesday so we may get to see one of the games if tickets haven’t sold out.

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