Monday 15 March 2010


We liked the look of Detroit Lake State Park, so thought that the two hour drive taking us 100 miles north east of Eugene would be worthwhile. After all the park had miles of walking trails, a wildlife viewing area, two play areas (for Andrea not me!) and even two giftshops. It looked great. We charged up our batteries with an Ihop lunch of omelette and pancakes (we didn’t finish it) and then hit the road. We didn’t think of checking whether it would be open or not and unfortunately when we got there it was closed for restoration works!! Gutting.

Determined not to waste a two hour drive and intent on getting out of the car for at least half an hour, so that we could loosen up, we set about finding another park to explore. We had a map of where some of the other state parks in the area were and headed for the nearest one only to find it was closed! We’ve not seen a park closed since being in the states and then we see two in the space of 30min! All was not lost though as we soon found a park that was open. It wasn’t as spectacular looking as Detroit lakes, but we still enjoyed a walk there. Andrea went snap happy with the camera again and took a lot of bad photos (as well as a few good ones of which I’ve posted a few below).

Perhaps Andrea's best shot of the day

North Santium State Park

Tomorrow is supposed to be a scorcher. Well not quite, but it is meant to hit 20C. Who said March was still pretty much winter!!

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