Wednesday 10 March 2010

Rainbow Spikes

So as the altitude question rumbles on and on (and maybe looks more unlikely), other race preparations are now in full swing as the ‘Big Four’ races that comprise my track season approaches. Actually of the four there are really only two that I’m really bothered about but it is still pretty nerve wracking all the same. Preparations are beginning to near completion as today I purchased some rainbow coloured spikes from Downtown Eugene. I am sure the big crowds will now be uber-impressed with the colour of the undersides of my feet so surely I can’t fail??!

In the evening we again took advantage of four dollar Tuesday at the cinema and went to see ‘The Last Station’. Probably the best film we have seen so far on our trip, this film told the story of Leo Tolstoy, the Russian novelist and author of ‘War and Peace’. The story followed the last few months of Tolstoy’s life and his relationships with people around him. Definitely worth the four dollars anyway although we really need to be more disciplined on the sweet front - this time we excelled by even our own standards having polished off the whole lot before the film even started. Oops a daisy.

It has to be said that yesterday was a fairly low key day with no real excitement to report. We seem to have spent quite a while trying to work out what we are going to do in the next (and final) portion of our trip. There seems like so much we want to see and do around California that we just can’t decide what to do when! With only seven weeks now until we come home and back to reality, time suddenly seems really precious, funny really when you spend all day deciding what you are going to do with it!

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