Sunday 14 March 2010

The Return of the Blog

This has to be a near record - over three days have past and no blogs have been written. The reason? After four and a half months of metronome like daily blogging we finally ran out of steam, we blogged ourselves out, ran out of things to say.

Well, not exactly.

It was more of a case of our fun being severely hindered by factors beyond our control. That is to say the weather. When one is on such a strict, low budget, most our activities have to take the form of the outdoor and free variety. These activities, as you can imagine, are less appealing when it is truly lashing it down with rain and your only item resembling a waterproof lets the rain in within about five minutes.

So as a result we’ve had to have a more indoorsy few days, and we didn’t want to loose any of our faithful readership by describing how many pages Chris read of his ‘Options, Futures and Derivatives’ book or how long I spent looking on the internet for potential hen do related activities.

The weather finally brightened up a little yesterday and so we headed down to Autzen Stadium to experience yet another new sport, women’s lacrosse. It was great to get out after a relatively dull couple of days and we enjoyed the game which was quite fast paced - despite not fully understanding the rules (again). Chris reckoned he might be quite a good lacrosse player due to his speed and fitness. However, people used to say that about me playing hockey, until they saw me play, so I’ll reserve judgement for the time being. It was a shame that my good friend, the Duck Mascot, had obviously gone on holiday for the weekend but I was still sufficiently amused by the women a few seats down from us with a Duck sounding whistle. Simple things eh!

The ducks taking a hard fought victory over Iona

We’ve also taken the opportunity to see a couple of films these last few days, especially after discovering another cinema where it is a bargain price of $1.50 per person. We both preferred ’Invictus’ to ’Up in the Air’ although neither film scored major points with us and we still await the ’wow’ factor. This weekend was also the weekend of the World Indoor Athletics Championships and the NCAA Indoor Athletics Championships, both of which were being streamed live over the internet. These both had some pretty exciting races to watch and filled our evenings quite nicely…especially when washed down with a good old glass of root beer.

The weather forecast is meant to be better this week so hopefully we’ll be able to get out and enjoy our last week and half of Eugene without catching pneumonia.

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