Friday 4 December 2009

Chilly New Zealand

Today we are cheating a little - and going for two days worth of blogs in one. Partly because we have fallen behind with our blogging (shame on us) and partly because we have had a couple of quiet days in New Zealand since we have arrived, and as Chris so delicately puts it - we don’t want to lose any readers with two boring blogs in two days!

We arrived in New Zealand on Wednesday afternoon and were greeted with…yep rain…and cold. I almost thought we had just got back into the UK. We’ve had a bit of drive around and my initial impressions of New Zealand is that it is very green, very scenic and I already want to stay for longer! There seems like loads to do and to see, and I can understand why so many people are drawn here to live, work or just holiday. The city of Christchurch is the biggest on the South Island and sits on the east coast of the Island. In terms of population, it’s not that big, but it is very spread out and whilst it is very flat, you can see the mountains which surround the city almost every way you look. It’s pretty nice to just be able to look up and see them and we are excited about exploring them over the next two weeks with our fabulous hosts Emily and Paul.

The weather has been a bit chilly (to say the least) and the hats, gloves and long sleeved tops have been out in force over the last day or two although it is expected to warm up a little by the end of the weekend. So far we haven’t seen a great deal of New Zealand as we have been taking the opportunity to plan a bit of our US trip and catch up on some admin-ny type jobs (I told you we didn’t have lots of exciting news!) however this weekend we are going away for the weekend to Arthur’s Pass which is up in the Mountains which we are both looking forward to.

It has been really good to pick the brains of Emily and Paul and we are also planning a few day trips next week to a few different places….potentially a bit of whale watching or swimming with dolphins maybe!!!

Me, Emily and Paul up the mountains on our first day

1 comment:

  1. jealous jealous jealous !!!!! say hi to Em and Paul xx
