Wednesday 23 December 2009

More cheese Gromit??

Today we headed out of Narooma on a day trip to a village called ‘Tilba’. We didn’t have to drive too far as Tilba is situated only 17km from Narooma in a pleasant valley. We had decided to visit Tilba mainly due to the fact that I had spied a leaflet in the tourist information centre for the Tilba Cheese factory, and being the cheese lover I am, constant hint dropping to Chris that it may be interesting had finally worked it’s magic.

Tilba, is a tiny village of less than 80 residents and it constitutes mainly of one street. It is a street with a difference however. It is not like your typical village. In fact, I thought we had stepped back in time at Universal Studios as it actually looked and felt a bit like an old western town, with house fronts developed into shops, café‘s and a post office. There were quite a few people mooching about, but considering just about everyone was eating an ice cream or carrying a cheese factory carrier bag, I guess most of these were tourists like ourselves.

After a bit of wandering and looking around in some of the quaint shops, we finally arrived at the long anticipated cheese factory which was typically at the other end of the street to which we had parked (not that it was a long walk, just a longer wait before we got there). My initial disappointment that we did not actually get to look around the factory, and that it was simply a cheese shop (which sold other various stuff such as honey and ice cream) was soon forgotten as I noticed that we got to sample each of the cheeses for sale….for free.

There was maybe 10 different types of cheeses to try which were all made on the premises and most were delicious. Interestingly they were all much better value that what we had seen in the supermarkets and we decided to buy one for our Christmas barbecue in two days time. The question was which. I wasn’t keen on Chris’s favourite - Olive  but we finally agreed on a peppercorn cheese after much umming and arrhing (and of course taste testing).

The other point to take from today was not to listen to a man when he says that ‘he can’t see any mosquitoes and you must be imagining it’. Well perhaps I just have delicious skin, but I now, thanks to my imagination have four gobstopper sized bites on my foot and ankle and one golf ball sized bite on my shin. Thought if I told everyone on here, I may actually get some sympathy rather than ‘oh yes’!

Central Tilba

Cheese factory

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