Monday 14 December 2009

A Sunday at Sumner

After the mammoth (by my standards anyway) bike-ride yesterday we were keen to have a more sedentary day today especially as on a Sunday I do my long run which always leaves me feeling tired and hungry for the rest of the day.

We decided to head to Sumner which sits on the outskirts of Christchurch - a seaside town which is known for its beaches, surfing and fish and chips. The weather was not hot but warm enough for this to be a happy option and despite not being optimistic enough to pack swimwear and towels we set off on the bus hopeful of a pleasant day.

The town itself was quite small but did have what you would expect of a seaside town - a promenade, cafĂ©’s, ice cream parlours, fish and chips and also play areas and an outdoor swimming pool for kids. Chris is becoming quite taken with play areas and always insists on having a go on the slides or on the swings despite the signs saying ‘pre-school children only’. No-one has ever challenged him though so maybe he looks like he is having a great time! I hide at the side wearing dark glasses and pretending I know nothing and nobody….

Resisting the urge for fish and chips, we stayed mainly away from the delicious smells coming from many of the shops and generally just mooched about the town, watching the surfers and wandering the streets. We took a bit of a walk down the promenade which was pleasant and sat on the beach front reading our books. It was just the nice relaxing day we were in need of, and helped prepare us for a competitive game of ‘Uno’ when we returned to the house….


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