Friday 11 December 2009

Where's Port Levy??

Emily had a day off work today and we decided to head down the coast a little to an inlet on the map called Port Levy which looked promising. It was only a short distance away and as none of us had been there before it seemed a good plan. The weather was a bit chilly but optimistic as ever we packed bikini’s and the body board in hope that the promised 26 degree weather would materialise.

The drive to Port Levy was pretty scenic as we wound our way towards the inlet and we passed through a number of little places. We kept seeing signs for Port Levy and we expected to reach at least a small cluster of houses, a beach and maybe a shop at some point. Following the map exactly, we turned down the final road to Port Levy - a gravely track. An then the track ended. We were there.

Port Levy = one house. We wondered if we had gone the wrong way, but we hadn’t. It was definitely Port Levy. There was no beach or any sign of life other than a New Zealand post van. There wasn’t even anywhere to park the car other than in the road!

An arty shot - sort of

Disappointed we started to make our way back towards Christchurch, body board sitting forlornly in the boot of the car. We decided to stop off in Governors Bay for a bit of walk (tried and tested previously by Emily) which was nice and relaxing and Chris spent a good deal of time trying to photograph tiny crabs on the shore.

Tiny crabs!!!

After our walk we stopped off at a chocolate shop which apparently sells New Zealand’s most sacred chocolate and where Chris had his first taste of chilli and chocolate hot chocolate. Feeling rather full and a little bit sick our day of roaming about was almost over and we headed back to Christchurch for me to train...


  1. How come you have a coat on and Emily - no sleeves?? Is Emily being brave or you feeble?????
    Love Mam x

  2. Emily has been hardened by the harsh New Zealand weather. And Andrea is a softy...
