Friday 4 December 2009

Christchurch and fruity loops

Andrea had two sessions to do today, which meant we were slightly limited as to what we could do. Obviously we didn’t want to do too much walking around as that in itself is already pretty tiring. Despite that we decided to take a leisurely stroll into Christchurch city centre.

The lonely planet describes Christchurch (I feel like I’m at home every time I type that) as the most English of cities - perhaps because of the ridiculous number of traffic lights?? The Anglican style cathedral and the trams rattling around are probably the reason why that description fits so well. We meandered towards the city centre - Cathedral square - managing to home in on a running store (spot the geeks) along the way. The square was busy, with a live band playing and a market attracting a lot of tourists and workers on their lunch breaks. Unfortunately we forgot the camera so were unable to get any photos - we seem to leave something important every time we step out of Emily and Pauls house at the moment!! It just means that we’ll have to make another trip in, when A is less tired, and complete the walking tour as well rather than just wandering aimlessly.

All through our trip around Australia, whenever we went to the supermarket we saw this breakfast cereal, fruity hoops, which are brightly coloured hoops (they look a bit like sweets, probably why we were attracted to them) in the mould of cheerio’s. Well yesterday we bought some and today we got to try them. Well, what can I say. They were disgusting. A massive let down. We have definitely learnt our lesson. Colourful isn’t necessarily best!!

Andrea enjoying her yummy fruity loops. Mmmmmmmmm.

Tomorrow we’re heading due west to Arthur’s pass for an overnight trip. A trip up avalanche peak and a look around Craigieburn await us….

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