Saturday 26 December 2009

Do they know its Christmas time at all?

Today was Christmas Day, so we got up and marvelled at the size of our stockings, put the turkey on and opened presents and sat down to Christmas Lunch with all the trimmings at midday. In the afternoon we went for a stroll and then watched a couple of really good Christmas films whilst drinking wine.

Haha, not quite.

In fact when I first woke up it took a minute or so to realise it was Christmas day (probably the first time ever that has happened!). We had weetabix for breakfast whilst sitting on our terrace and then noticed a large black cloud looming ominously overhead so it was a bit of a mad dash to get into our swim wear and walk the 150m down to the beach before the rain started. After two ‘Baywatch style’ runs into the water (which despite the overcast weather was surprisingly cool rather than cold) we decided to call it a day before the rain started. We had in fact timed it to perfection as the heavens opened minutes after we arrived back into our hotel room.

The next thing on our list of things to do on our Aussie Christmas day was a barbecue, and despite the weather we were undettered. Luckily the barbecue was under a shelter so Chris was able to sizzle the burgers until his heart was content whilst staying dry. I sensibly waited indoors with the crisps and cheese. Despite our tight budget and practically everything on our menu being either in the reduced or ‘basics’ section (or both) at the supermarket, the barbecue was a great success and we agreed that the burgers were the best we’d had in a while. Our Tilba-bought cheese was also a great addition.

Chef Chris

Yum yum yum. A healthy alternative to turkey.

As it was still chucking it down we didn’t fancy going out so far to settled down in front of the tv, thinking that there must be a half decent film on. Even if we had seen it before. Channel after channel was hopped. Nothing. So we hopped again. Still nothing. British tv on Christmas Day may not be the best but it is a sight better than here. It was so good I can’t even remember what was on. I vaguely remember a santa climbing onto a sleigh and his trousers falling down, but the ‘off’ button was decidedly more appealing. So we just had a quiet afternoon chatting over a couple of glasses of wine. Lots of running talk and lots of ‘aims for 2010’ talk. Quite productive I feel!

Next up was our highlight of the day. Our planned phone calls home to the families. We were prepared with a 500minutes of international calls phone card and we thought we would be able to have a right good chat with our families now they had hauled themselves out of bed (fancy staying in bed the whole day…!!!). It didn’t quite go as planned…First off we were befriended by a dog on our way to the phone boxes. No owner, no collar, and it just followed us and followed us. Not sure what to do we lead it to the police station thinking that they would take him in until owner was found or whatever. What a silly idea. We were amazed that the police just said ’oh he’s been hanging around Mcdonald’s all day and the council should deal with him’. We asked what we should do and they told us to take him back outside!!! Crazy! He did eventually wander off back to McDonalds (which amazingly was bursting at the seams?!) to beg for fries so we had no choice but to let him be.

So we continued to the phone boxes and dialled away. Unfortunately what we hadn’t been told (despite us asking specifically in the shop) was that you still had to continuously put money in the phone box as well as use the card. We had been told it would only be 40c to dial the phone card number and then you could talk for 500minutes without putting any more money in. What a load of rubbish. It still charged you the same as making a call within Australia and as we had only a few coins between us we had to have super duper quick minute phone calls with each of our families.

It was very annoying and it dampened our spirit’s a little on an otherwise nice and relaxing albeit quiet day. Disappointed we headed back to our room and consoled ourselves with an ancient episode of ‘Top Gear’ the best programme that has been on all day before hitting bed quite early.

All in all, a nice day. Not the best Christmas we’ve had but certainly one we are likely to remember for years to come….

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