Monday 15 February 2010

A Scintillating Sunday

After the weekend’s excitement, today was a fairly quiet day. We were both pretty tired after the long drive back from Seattle after the race last night, and I felt like my legs may fall off at any moment so we didn’t feel up to anything very energetic.

We did a long run down at Pre’s trail (of course with obligatory famous runner spotting - we saw two other girls who raced in Seattle) after which we did grocery shopping and gave our little apartment a right good clean. Exciting stuff I tell you!

We have decided to go and watch ‘the Ducks’ in another basketball game this week, this time a men’s match. So to get into the swing of things we watched the NBA match on the tv whilst supping ’Root beer’. or should I say we had it on in the background whilst we did other stuff, hence I still have little clue what the rules are or how the scoring works. I am looking forward to seeing my favourite Duck mascot again this week at the game though.

At the moment we are thinking about staying in Eugene until mid-march. It is just so good for training, we like our apartment and this week I am also going to join in with the university running club for some training so hopefully we will get to know a few people too. We have a fairly busy week ahead planned so it was good to recuperate today and we are now back and raring to go again.

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