Tuesday 9 February 2010

Superbowl Sunday

Before this week, I had absolutely no idea what the super bowl was. Infact I didn’t even know it was anything to do with American Football. I would have guessed it was something to do with bowling or the like and didn’t realise it was one of the biggest sporting events in the US all year.

To further our experience of the USA we decided to watch the game. This would be pretty easy as it was luckily being shown on one the channels which we can access at our flat. It also handily followed the highlights from the Boston Indoor Athletics meeting so we would be suitably warmed up ready. In order to do it properly we bought the mandatory Root Beer and crisps in and then we were ready.

About half an hour from the start we realised our error that, unless the superbowl was actually a college basketball game, we didn’t have the channel we thought we had. By chance however, I had joined the gym next door on a week’s temporary membership deal (aggravated Achilles=no running), which by chance had the channel, and a few smiles at the reception meant that we could both go in for free and see it in the lounge area which had a wide screen tv and really comfy sofa’s.

So comfy that within minutes I was sound asleep. I didn’t miss any crucial points of the game (I don’t think) but it was a little unfortunate that I missed the guy sat on the sofa behind explaining the rules to Chris. I spent the rest of the game trying to work out what was happening. Not sure I totally get it even now, but it seemed good and I have perfected, the ‘looking interested whilst baffled‘ look! Apparently there are a lot of tactics involved, but I couldn’t explain any of it.

It was quite good fun though, and we saw some funny adverts in the breaks. Apparently the adverts are a major part of the event and the one where some guy gets stabbed by a Dorito was probably my favourite.

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