Saturday 13 February 2010

The Space Needle

Today was our only real opportunity to get into Seattle (in the daylight) and explore the city, so despite the rain we braved the buses and headed in. We decided to walk from downtown Seattle to the city’s viewing tower - called ‘The Space Needle’. This would be our third visit to such a tower in as many cities, however this one was the smallest so we were both a little pessimistic that it would be as good as the others we have done.

We were absolutely drenched when we arrived, however we were actually pleasantly surprised with the good views we got from the top of the needle. Chris particularly like high rise buildings and we were able to get a good view of those, as well as the harbour and the mountains in the background. We saw a bit of everything really. Despite not being so tall, the space needle had a walk way outside which you could go onto and walk right round the circumference of the needle. It was well enclosed with ‘fencing’ but still a little scary nonetheless, and had a fairly big impact on Chris’s photo taking ability!

View from the Space Needle

After a bit more of a stroll around downtown Seattle, and after purchasing some Rocky Road and Strawberry popcorn (highly recommended) we squelched our way back to dry out.

This evening was the first set of races at the Husky Classic, and when the 5000m was being run, which we both wanted to see. We were both amazed that there were seven 5000m races with over 20 people in them (at home you maybe would get one women’s and two men’s at most, all with smaller fields). The races were all pretty close and exciting to watch. It has made me feel a little nervous about my race tomorrow but hopefully it will be ok. Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. good luck Mupps, know you will be amazing as usual! xx
