Wednesday 24 February 2010

Two for the Price of One

The last two days have been fairly uninteresting, so rather than risk my fingers in the thick treacle covering the keyboard, for one day only you will be treated to two blogs in one. I suppose it’s not really a treat, as there is still not very much to say, but maybe it is. A day off from Racing Around the World. Haha don’t get used to it!

We have had a couple of low key days. After our adventures last week we have kind of run ourselves into a bit of stop, not going outside Eugene, not even going in search of new kinds of weird and wonderful wildlife. No particular reason. Perhaps the prospect of our trip to Portland tomorrow for a couple of nights has meant we wanted to save a little money, or maybe we just wanted a break from seeing stuff.

The time has been spent…can you guess? Yep training. Lots and lots of it as per usual. Combine that with getting either very cold or drenched every time you step out of the door to train, and hence long periods of time sat directly in front of the heater in the apartment, and suddenly you find time passing you by.

One thing we have done which was quite interesting was go to the cinema to see ‘Crude’, a documentary about an ongoing lawsuit between the indigenous people of Ecuador against Chevron -Texaco for the mess left by the company and the resultant effect on the health of the people living in those areas. It was quite interesting to see how the lawyers on both side went about proving their respective points, and the case rumbles on. It wasn’t my usual animated film (my favourite) but was pretty thought provoking all the same. The fact that we got in for $4 total for two of us made it all the better. Tuesdays is buy two for the price of one, and may mean our Tuesday evening for the rest of the trip are taken care of!

Below are a couple of videos you may be interested in. The first is a KiwiRun promotional video but together by the KiwiRun team. We think it’s great but we were there afterall.

The second video is of my 10000m. I think the camera is primarily focusing on the men, but I was in the race so you may see me. Unfortunately I haven’t had time to moderate the video and check if I am actually in it. If you do get to watch it let me know! Enjoy!!


  1. What a pity they didn't show you finishing! It's always about the men. Good to see that much anyway.
    Good Kiwirun video. Looks inviting - pity I'm too old.
    Love Mam xx

  2. Did manage to pick you out of both videos, looked really good, its just a shame that they didn't show more
    Love Rhona and Jack
