Friday 12 February 2010

Umming and Arrhing

Today was spent deliberating. Deliberating about many things, or shall I say deliberating about many things which are all really the same thing.

Having spent the last couple of days drinking half the water at the swimming pool next door, my Achilles has felt much better. However, with only four days until the race on Saturday, we had a bit of a decision to make as to whether or not it was recovered enough. There were many things going through our minds - was it completely recovered? Would it come back once I tried to run hard? Would racing this weekend mean I would have to take more time off and be detrimental to my preparation for more important races in April? If I didn’t race would it turn out to be fine and then I have wasted probably my one and only opportunity to do this particular race?

Ah decisions! Being one of the great decision makers of all time, I spent a lot of time thinking about all these things today. I did a couple of easy runs which both went well and I had no pain, and I was leaning towards thinking it would be fine. But I always say that, and I just couldn’t get the April races out of my head. Coach Chris tends to err on the side of caution so we had a bit of a dilemma on our hands, but towards the end of the day even he was thinking that racing was a definite possibility.

To cut a long story short we decided this evening, having seen that I had felt no adverse effects from the runs I had done, that we will go to Seattle with the intention of racing. Of course, we will take each day as it comes but hopefully it will be fine. We hope to do a mini reps session tomorrow as another tester and if it is ok, then I’d say the race is definitely back on. Fingers crossed!

The races will all be shown live online on the following link. If anyone is burning the candle at both ends or suffering from insomnia, my race will be between 12:30am and 1am on Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Watch the Husky Classic 2010 HERE!!

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