Friday 12 February 2010


First thing in the morning Andrea did a short tester session to see if the Achilles and calf would be fine for the race at the weekend. It involved a short tempo run and then a few repetitions on a school track nearby. We found an awesome place in South Eugene to do the session as Andrea was able to do a couple of loops on a European style trail and then immediately jump on a running track. Perfect!! It all went well and we are now both looking forward to Andrea’s race in Seattle on Saturday.

Soon after finishing we hit the road to Seattle. It is a five hour drive so we wanted to get going early so we could at least have some daylight when we got there. The journey was pretty uneventful as we were mainly driving through farmland - the interstates aren’t concerned with taking you the scenic way!

When we arrived in Seattle we found ourselves a cheap motel by the airport - to the south of the city. We got ourselves sorted and then Andrea did another short easy run. This meant that by the time we headed into downtown Seattle it was already dark.

Driving on the freeway and emerging over the hill the first image we saw of Seattle was amazing. The high-rises office blocks in the middle of all the low-rise apartments near the waters edge was spectacular. Unfortunately we couldn’t take photos because we were driving, but even if we had managed the camera makes every night-time image blurry. The traffic around Seattle was really busy and very disorientating, however we eventually managed to find a way down to the harbour and have a walk around there and up through a part of the city. Along the way we amused ourselves in an arcade where Andrea played her first game of air-hockey - needless to say that I won.

Tomorrow we are having a full day of sightseeing around Seattle (in the light) before heading to the Husky Classic in the evening to watch the first part of the meet. There are a few Brits there that we know, so it should be a fun evening.

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