Thursday 12 November 2009

And the Heat Goes on….

And on and on. Another day of plus 40 degrees meant that we again achieved very little. Too hot to think about anything but being hot. Certainly too hot to contemplate doing anything or going anywhere - a little jaunt down to the park near the river was about all we could handle. If this continues I sense that my evening run and the following morning’s run will get closer and closer together!

The lack of activity because of the heat has given us a little bit of time to plan our next steps and I think we almost know where we will go for the rest of the first part of this trip - until we head to New Zealand at the beginning of December. Whilst time seems to be passing really quickly it does seem a very long time since I was at work and packing up to come here. It feels especially weird seeing all the Christmas decorations up and knowing that Christmas pretty much won’t happen this year for us, and I’m sure I’ll be missing home on December 25th. However It makes me laugh that it is so hot and yet they have all the typical Father Christmas’s stuff out here. I did once see a Santa on a Jet Ski though so perhaps over here it’s Christmas with a twist!

In light of the crazy heat we have decided to head to the coast as soon as we can where it‘s reported to be cooler. We’ll be stopping for one night only in Horsham, so we can go walking on the Grampian Mountains, before heading straight to Melbourne where we intend to stay for a week. As much as I loved the outback, I am looking forward to getting back into the hustle and bustle of a city and I think Melbourne will have plenty to entertain us with. It will be a nice break from moving around all the time and our hostel is going to be pretty close to a park for training and a beach for chilling out so all’s good. We’re both hoping we might meet some people in the hostel as we are staying there more than 48 hours. Whilst we haven’t been driving each other up the wall or anything like that, it will still be nice to have other people to hang out with now and then. I’m also banking on there being less of my favourite insect and slithery friends in the city - no-more going to the bathroom in pairs!!!


  1. Melbourne. You gotta go Ramsay Street if your going melbourne (that's all i know about the place).

    Minors chris, since you asked. Though they'll take me more than one day i can tell you!

  2. Maybe we could get work as extra's!!

    Good stuff with corrections. A far cry from the major rewrite concerns you had. Well done matee, have a cheeky orange juice for me.
