Friday 27 November 2009

Wagga Wagga

Today we left Falls Creek and travelled north, back into New South Wales to a small city called Wagga Wagga. We were sad to leave Falls Creek behind but did manage a short walk to Falls Creek Falls before we left, which involved traversing down the side of a steep hill on a largely overgrown path. The falls were worth it, but I would have been able to enjoy it more if I had been wearing shoes instead of flip flops as I spent most of the time with my eyes on the ground looking out for my friends Mr Slither and Mr Tarantula.

The journey to Wagga Wagga took around four hours, and once we got out of the mountains it was pretty hot with temperatures back up to around 38-39 degrees, it took us a little bit by surprise after the coolness of the mountains.

Wagga Wagga is apparently New South Wales’ largest inland city with a population of nearly 60,000, which seems quite strange, as it doesn’t feel a whole lot bigger, if any, than a place like Northallerton. Maybe it is just more spread out. When we arrived we both noticed that it was a similar sort of place to both Horsham and Mildura - the high street has the same layout, it has a river and the same sort of facilities. We are staying in a place called Romano’s hotel, which if we had not been so hot or so tired would have had us in stitches. The beds are sunken in the middle, the ladies showers like a building site and the curtains neither fully close nor fully open. But never mind, it’s a roof and it’s cheap so I’m sure we’ll be fine. Maybe when we return to the UK we can get a job on that hotel inspectors programme with our forever extending experience of what to expect for what you’re prepared to pay.

There is a 30km aboriginal walking trail that starts in Wagga Wagga which we will be looking at tomorrow. We definitely won’t be doing all of it but may attempt a reasonable walk if the weather holds out. There is also some botanical gardens which we can compare to Melbourne’s and a free museum - whilst we’re not really museum people, we may aswell go as it’s free!


  1. Herrrrrou Guys,

    Your trip looks awesome! I do envy you.

    By the way, if you race and win, you should do the chicken dance!


  2. Cheers Pablo.

    Andrea has been told about the Chicken Dance. The nation now expects!!
