Monday 16 November 2009

St Kilda

Mine and Andrea’s fears about the hostel were realised at around 12:30am this morning when the guys in the room next door decided to put their music on full blast for about 5-10minutes. Not very long, but long enough when in a haze of tiredness. The noise in the hostel was constant throughout the night. I managed a few more hours than Andrea, but I was definitely still tired when I got up this morning. Hopefully that will be the worst of it as it was a Saturday night. However this is a backpacker hostel full of people with no jobs and no reason to get up in the morning, so I’m not holding out much hope.

Today we decided to have a quiet day and look around the local area of St Kilda. The suburb lies on the East side of Melbourne’s large harbour. It attracts a lot of tourists and locals alike as it has great weather, sandy beaches and a few streets of bars and restaurants. The establishments cater for millionaires and backpackers alike, which makes pigeonholing St Kilda difficult. We are still trying to work out if we like it here or not. By day the area is fantastic. We love the bars and restaurants and are currently trying to chose a couple which we shall visit for dinner later in the week. However at night it has a totally different vibe. We have heard some others say the same thing, so I’m sure its not just in our imaginations.

One of the other things that we have noticed is that there are lots of families on holiday here, which got us wondering - would you bring your kids here? Admittedly there is stuff here for kids to do; there is the beach (full of jellyfish), there are the many ice-cream parlours and there is a small theme park (overpriced) on the waterfront. However, I think bringing children and allowing them to see all of these revellers in the bars, which are packed out from midday, is not the best message. I wouldn’t want my kids to grow up thinking that holidays were all about boozing. Surely it‘d be better to take them somewhere nice like Centre Parks! But hey what do I know. I shouldn’t be so judgemental. Maybe its just that there are some great package holidays for families to St Kilda at the moment.

Tomorrow we’re getting the tram into the centre of the city, which we are both looking forward to. Another day of lots of walking and sightseeing awaits!!


  1. I've been thinking why do people always like to brain-washing their kids and give them a false image of the world? The world is full of jackasses and revellers. Why is it better for them to discover by themselves? We can see sex education is being taught earlier and earlier.

    I guess I'll look up the evolution and logics behind the change of child education. I found it rather counter-intuitive that human beings, having spent 99% of our time in the primitive hunter-gather society, would suddenly start telling our kids that the world is beautiful and rosy and full of fairy-tales. Maybe this is just the christian teaching misfiring again.

  2. Oh I do love reading your insightful posts each day. You both are clearly loving every minute of your wonderful trip. Chrissy you are so funny, I thought it was just me and my old age that thought that about inconsiderate drunks aka backpackers thinking they are seeing the world and experiencing new things.. just a different type of beer through the same double vision of drunken buffoonery!
    Also noted that you are getting older now as your thinking of when your children grow up.. I want an invite to the wedding first lol! (I'm still working on him Andrea!)
    Enjoy your time, make the most of everything!!

    I look forward to reading/following your trips, tantalising adventures, tantrums and traumas throughout your treks!

    Take care


  3. Where do you draw the line though Lui, do i start shooting up in front of my kids just so that i'm not sheltering them?? Haha ;) I'm sure you'll find it is in our make-up to protect our kids in some way or another. Anyway....

    Thanks Marie-Louise for the message. We do try our best to make the blogs a true reflection of our thoughts and experiences. The tantrums are yet to come though, but you'll definitely here about them here first!!! xxx

  4. I'm with you on this one, can't understand why people would go to a beautiful country on the other side of the world just to party, you can do that in London or anywhere else in UK. Seems daft all these stag dos in Latvia when they don't even see any of Latvia. I guess a lot of them will sight see aswell though, and the partying is just part of the experience. Depends how much time you have and what sort of person you are. Not sure what I would do with my kids in that situation, but not planning on having any for a while, so it's ok!

  5. It is a strange one and something we have been mulling over quite a bit. For some people here they just want to continue with the university lifestyle, not much 'travelling' is really going on. I think as well when some people 'travel' they think they can do things that aren't acceptable when at home. Coming in and turning on music full volume at 3:30am springs to mind. But then it is their money and their lives so they can do what they want I guess. Just keep me out of it ;)
