Thursday 19 November 2009

First Impressions

Today was a quiet day as we took some time out of sightseeing to relax around St Kilda so there is nothing much to report in terms of what we did and saw. I think today was the first day we took no photos!

Instead of boring you all with the gory details of how Chris finished reading his book (the worst book ever apparently), how long our laundry took or how long the Wifi at Macdonalds takes to upload photos, I thought I would give a quick run down of my first impressions or thoughts about Australia so far. It may be interesting to see how they change, if at all, over the next few weeks!

High Point of trip so far:
The Blue Mountains - probably because it was completely unexpected. I was thinking we would go for half an hour and see a few hills, instead it was the most amazing view ever. I can see myself going back again in the future

Low point of the trip so far:
Travelling to Mildura in 42 degrees heat, trying to withhold from putting on the air-con and nearly passing out, only to arrive in Mildura and find our cabin was just as hot due to faulty air-con - gutting!

Biggest Surprise
It has to be the outback. Nothing can prepare you for the scenery you will see and the remoteness of some of the villages. People tell you before you go, but certainly for me I really didn’t grasp it at all.

Most unexpected difference between Australia and the UK:
Definitely the food and drink costs! I will never forgot the $5 loaf of bread we bought on the first day, and thinking I would have to make my sole remaining pack of wine gums last the whole six months (thankfully we have found cheaper stores). It still remains expensive though. Sausages remain the cheapest meat, and I foresee a period of sausage-teetotallness when we return to the UK!

Wish we had it in the UK:
(Speaking personally as a runner) I love the fact there are loos on every corner - usually clean and free of charge. No bushes needed so far. I also see a lot more options for sport and keeping fit in Australia- such as ‘fitness corners’ in parks. It’s great to see them actually being used for the purposes they are intended for rather than as stands for beer cans…

Glad we don’t have in the UK:
A whole lot of flies, even in the middle of the city. I’m beginning to wonder if my sun cream is actually a fly magnet. I can’t stand still long enough for a photo. Also, snakes, spiders and the like. But you have heard enough about them by now…

Most annoying fact:
The fact that ‘produce of Australia’ is rammed down your throat at every opportunity. Of course it is great to support local communities, employ local people and use local produce, but it gets a bit ridiculous when you have signs at like a Shell garage saying ‘locally owned and run’ in massive writing. Perhaps it is, and great, but we don’t need telling all the time!

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