Tuesday 17 November 2009

The search is over

I can honestly say that the earplugs we bought from the local pharmacy yesterday were the best $1 we have spent so far. It was probably quieter last night anyway but there must have been some activity in the hostel as we had to step over a sleeping reveller sprawled on the floor at the top of the stairs on our way out running. I wonder if my fear of noisy sleeping establishments may finally be over with this new found solution! I will wait to see if tonight’s slumber is just as peaceful before making judgement!

Today we planned to explore the centre of Melbourne and after being surprisingly impressed with the free pancake breakfast at the hostel, we headed into the centre on the tram - once we figured out which one to get on, and then how to pay.

The centre of Melbourne seemed quite large and one of the first things we noticed was the abundance of chains which comprised a fairly big shopping district - something we hadn’t noticed with Sydney although perhaps we just didn’t go to the right places. The centre was really busy but it was fairly cool today so we embarked on a self guided walking tour as recommended by the lonely planet book (which is also fairly high up on the list of money well spent). The tour took us down a number of arcade’s and narrow streets with many restaurants and boutique shops. Places we wouldn’t necessarily have seen without doing the tour. We both really liked the compactness of the area. Whilst it would be annoying if you were in a rush due to volume of people, it was pleasant to saunter along and mooch around a few of the shops. The tour ended by walking across the Southern Bridge. By this point the sun had come out and it almost took you aback when you appeared out from the buildings.

It was whilst mooching about in some of the shops that we finally discovered our long sought after used copy of Lord of the Flies. We were beginning to wonder if it was true - a used copy just doesn’t exist. I’d seen four copies of a book I read recently called ’dead run’ (not the best I‘ve ever read), bought from Northallerton market, but absolutely nothing Lord of the flies esque. I was just about to suggest to Chris that his Macro economics book (!) he insisted on bringing out here may remain his sole reading material for the trip but then, in the very last bookshop we went in, there it was (and in pretty nifty condition too).

So, we can now tick off something else off the list. Lord of the Flies. Oh yes and Melbourne was very nice too. We didn’t see everything we wanted to see though so no doubt we will be heading back in a couple of times this week…..


  1. don't just post tourist pictures, post a photo of the hostel and ur car or something.

  2. I would also suggest an eye mask if you sleep in the dorm rooms, since people just turn on the lights whenever they come in !! I used mine (and ear plugs) every night, Becky used neither, but I am clearly a lighter sleeper! Don't let the noisy people get you down. Also if you choose the YHA / HI hostels they are much more family orientated and much less party-esq! (if a couple of dollars more expensive, but worth it!) xxx

  3. A photo of me tucked up in the hostel bed coming your way Lui ;)

  4. Fran - That's funny, I was literally just saying to Chris this morning that you used an eye mask! We may have to invest in some if we stay in many more places like this one, but then again it may be quieter once we leave the city again.... xxx
