Sunday 29 November 2009

Final stop Canberra

We headed towards Canberra this morning, for what is the final place that we visit in this first section of our Australia trip.

The journey from Wagga Wagga wasn’t too far, and in light of some of our recent exciting journeys, this one was pretty uneventful. Not even any interesting road kill.

Other than the drive, we didn’t really get chance to explore very much as most of the day was taken up with training, as today is session Saturday where I do two reps sessions in a day. We are not staying in central Canberra, instead we are in one of the suburbs, called Dickson, in a hostel above a takeaway from which there are some wicked smells, particularly at the end of a training session. It seems nice and relaxed and we’re well chuffed that the dorm we booked has only us in it. We also discovered a great grass athletics track ten mins walk from the hostel which is perfect for training so we’re impressed so far with our choice of accommodation,

We have allowed ourselves two days to explore Canberra before being Sydney bound on Tuesday ready for our flight. There seems to be quite a bit to do and after the success of the lonely planet’s Melbourne walking tour we plan on tackling the Canberra version tomorrow. Tomorrow we will have more to report I’m sure...

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