Friday 20 November 2009

And then the rain came...

Today was an interesting day for a few reasons. Most notably, for the first time since we left the UK, it rained. It came all of a sudden. Earlier on today it was quite overcast but very very warm, around 34C apparently but then as we were booking some accommodation in one of the internet cafés after lunch, I suddenly became aware that the wind was absolutely howling - signs were being blown all over the place. As we left the internet café to go back to the hostel the wind had calmed but it was spitting ever so slightly. By the time we went out training, it was actually raining. Not very hard, but rain all the same.

We didn’t stray very far today as I had two reps sessions to complete - longs reps in the morning and sprints in the afternoon. This training day is my hardest day each week and I wanted to keep off my feet a bit and relax between sessions. I usually do this type of training on a Saturday but we thought it may be easier to do today as we are moving on tomorrow, and we also wanted to make use of the grass track handily situated across the road. Both sessions went pretty well, and for all my supporters (or my mum anyway) I’ve put a video of one of my reps here…prepare to be riveted!

Today was our last day in Melbourne before we head off in the morning. The week has gone really quickly and it feels as thought we have been here no time at all. As Chris said previously we would like to come back and do more things (perhaps with a bigger budget!) but of course you never know when you’ll get the chance again. I’m quite content that we saw as much of it as we could in the time and situation we were in though so I’ll look back fondly on this visit. I’ll look back less fondly on the hostel, or rather more specifically the guy in the room next door and his music, but I’m sure he won’t be my lasting memory of Melbourne!

I am pretty excited about tomorrow as we are heading off to Phillip Island where there is a Penguin Parade!!! Yeay!!


  1. Thanks for video - Looks good.
    Penguins - wow. At last you are going to see a real one! Enjoy. Love Mam xx

  2. penguin parade! am so pleased you're going! enjoy it xx

  3. The penguins were amazing! I could have taken one home (or at least bought everything in the entire shop!) xxx

  4. Hey... loving your work on the videoing skills Chrissy!! Hope you measured out Andrea's laps correctly lol!!!

    Glad your travels are going well and your getting to see so much of Oz! You have both set me off again and I am hoping to book for March!! I guess by then you will be running your way around the States!!

    Take care... and don't go booking into anymore hell hole hostels!!!


  5. If you are able to get some flights to Oz booked I would definately recommend the outback...immense! Oh yes and the penguins go without saying....
