Wednesday 11 November 2009

The last laugh

Oh how foolish I feel. Laughing at the people back home having to cope with the wind and rain, while Andrea and I were enjoying mid-20’s for the best part of a week. Well that has all changed. South-East Australia is currently suffering a heat wave at the moment, meaning that November temperatures should be 30C whereas they are actually 40C. Almost unheard of at this time of year. Green campaigners on the TV are claiming that this is proof of global warming, not doing their cause any favours.

The day was pretty uneventful as there is not much you can do in these temperatures. In the morning we had left Menindee behind and arrived in Mildura, Victoria. About 3hrs into our 5hr journey the car temperature had hit 42C!! At this point we thought enough was enough and put the air-con on!

Midura town sits on the Murray river, one of the most important waterways in Australia. The fertile soil means that it is one of the countries most productive agricultural areas. In fact most of the Australian wine in the UK is produced around here. We might have to try some out tomorrow!

It is promising to be another scorcher tomorrow, so we will probably have a pretty lazy day. Might even do some snake hunting (just kidding mum)…

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