Friday 6 November 2009

Lots of driving but no kangaroo!

Today we left the Blue Mountains and headed for Dubbo, a largish town in the central New South Wales Region.  We were glad we had ‘done’ the mountains yesterday as today we were met with fog, which didn’t lift, and pouring rain.  Combined with the mountainous terrain we were both thrilled to be out running at 7am and not sorry to be leaving for flatter terrain!

The drive from Katoomba to Dubbo was about four hours, but in that time it felt almost like we had travelled across a number of different counties or even countries.  The time passed really quickly but there were such rapid changes in the environment and scenery it took you almost by surprise.  One moment you were in the mountains, the next you were met with rolling hills littered with green grass and trees, only the next moment to see dusty yellow brown fields with seemingly no living creatures upon them.  It was quite amazing and we both could have travelled all day.  Except it was incredibly hot.  Despite the fog and pouring rain in Katoomba, as we neared Dubbo, the temperature rose and rose until we were almost forced to put on the AC in the car - but we weren’t that desperate yet!

The journey, whilst scenic, was fairly uneventful.   Our search for the best wildlife continued.  The first person to spot a kangaroo would be declared the winner, however I continue to argue with Chris that a dead kangaroo on the side of the road, no matter how many of them you see, or how squashed they are, does not count!

The only other exciting event (or should I say terrifying) was when we were pulled over by the police.  Oh yes, we were sailing into town, slightly above the speed limit when we got motioned aside.  My heart dropped into my stomach.  Luckily, it was only a ‘spot’ check and we were soon on our way.  Not before we decided, to ourselves, to be ever so much more careful about our speed in future!

Tomorrow we are off to the Western Plains Zoo, one of the biggest and best zoos around (apparently).  However (and you are my witnesses) any wildlife spotted at the zoo does not count in the competition!

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